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Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Too many people who experienced trauma as kids are STILL living with the effects. You KNOW on some level the changes you'd need to make if you were to truly take your healing seriously. In this video I offer ten steps to STEP-UP your healing and make the

I've turned off ALL comments, because of those leaving unrelated, even obscene comments I vet ALL followers and MOST of those have been adult-related So, I'll post, but may not accept your follow request I won't accept your hate or obscenity here - 1

Ten Tips to SPEED Your CPTSD Healing
Too many people who experienced trauma as kids are STILL living with the effects. You KNOW on some level the changes you'd need to make if you were to truly take your healing seriously. In this video I offer ten steps to STEP-UP your healing and make the most of your life today.

CPTSD: Here's What HEALING Feels Like
Here's what healing feels like when you find the right techniques to calm your CPTSD symptoms. Brain dysregulation, mental fog, the emotional roller coaster -- when these are lifted, it's easier to solve the life problems so common for those of us who had trauma as children, and start feeling happier!

Ditulis Oleh : I Hari: November 28, 2023 Kategori:

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